Monday, March 23, 2009

Pregnancy Survey

I know this is my millionth post today, but I guess I'm just excited to get a blog up!

Mother Name::Brooke
Age:: 27
Birthday::October 15
Birth Place::HSV, AL
Height:: 5'7"

Father Name::Brian
Age:: 28
Birthday:: August 25
Birth Place::HSV, AL
Height:: 6'0

Is this your first pregnancy?:Yes
How did you find out you were pregnant?: I peed on a stick and voila!
What kind of pregnancy test did you take?: HPT and test at the Dr.s
How many?: 2, one at home one at the Dr.s
What were your first symptoms?: I was falling asleep at 7pm every night. Brian said he knew before I did:)
Who did you tell first?:Natalie.
Who was with you when you found out?:No one
Was baby planned?: Bug is a suprise we knew we wanted and knew would come along when the time was right.
How far were you when you found out?: 5 weeks

Due date:: Sep. 25- One day before Grandmas birthday!
Do you want to know the sex?: Very much so- I'm not 'allowed' to go shopping until we find out!
Do you know the sex?: No. My gut says boy, but Brian thinks girl.
If so, boy or girl?: We just want a happy, healthy baby!
Any names?: A few, but we're not 100% on any yet, so we're waiting until we are to share.
Any ultrasounds?: two so far
Have you heard the heartbeat?: Not yet, but we've seen it 'beating' on the screen
Who do you think baby will look like?: I hope its a good combination of the both of us.
Will baby have any siblings?: Someday
Have you and dad felt baby move?: We've felt tiny little flutters, but looking forward to feeling some kicks

Did you have morning sickness?:More like all day sickness! 7-UP has become a close friend of mine.
Did you have any cravings?: Nothing out of the ordinary, but I've had a few food aversions that I never expected. For example, I'd rather eat dirt than Chik-Fil-A.
Did you have any mood swings?:Did? They go away?
Are you a high risk pregnancy?:No
Any complications?:No. We thought we might have trouble since I only have one kidney, but Dr. Sylvester said if it hasn't given me problems prior to now, then I really don't need to worry about it. They do tests every month, so we'll know if it ever does become a problem.
Formula or breastfeeding?:Both.
Have you bought anything for baby yet?:I've picked up a few odds and ends, but mostly just story books.
When did you start to show?: Haven't really yet- i just look/feel bloated.
How long could you wear your regular clothes?: I've been in the maternity pants for a while, but just because they were more comfortable at first. Now they're a necessity!
Are you excited?: Very!
Will you have anyone in the delivery room?: During the labor I think visitors would be great, but for the actual delivery we'd really like it to be just Brian and I.
Who will help with baby after their born?: We will accept any help offered, but we're hoping to spend the first few days to week at home with just the three of us so we can get settled in and bond as a family and kinda get into the swing of things. After that, we'd love to have a 'welcome baby' cookout or get together for family and friends.
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?:I has really opened my eyes, on so many levels.
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?:Waiting! And mood swings;)
Whats one thing do you miss doing since being pregnant?:Sleeping on my stomach!
Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?:No way!
Are you ready for baby?:Mentally, yes. Is our home ready? Lord no! But we're working on it!
How many kids do you want?:2
Do you talk to your baby?:Not really, not yet anyways.
Do you still feel attractive?:Ugh, no.
Have you had your baby shower yet?:No
Do you like kids?:Sure
How far along are you now?:13w3d

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I didn't even know until Lynn sent out the notice of your blog! :) My brother's wife is due on Sept 23rd, so Eden and Charlotte will have two new cousins in September, one on each side! Enjoy! It goes SO fast! Pregnancy is in 3 stages: weary, cheery, and dreary! So finish the nursery and EVERYTHING you want to do during the 2nd Trimester when you're "cheery". Because you will quickly run out of steam (and possibly out of time) if you wait until the 3rd trimester! :) Love, Christie & Joe.
