Friday, June 19, 2009

26 Weeks Pic

And boy, is it hot outside! My ankles are paying dearly! This picture was taken this morning, and for some reason after seeing this, it's hit me really hard that I will be a mom soon. And I'm freaking out.


Baby Supplies

Most of my time lately has been taken up by a never ending crochet project, so I took a breather from that and made a few side projects over the past two days. The top pic is of some burp cloths I fancied up with some Amy Butler fabric I've been hoarding, and the other is a changing mat. It's canvas/Amy Butler fabric, and it matches my canvas/green diaper bag. I recycled an old towel as the batting, so it has plenty of extra cushion (however I learned that sewing machine needles aren't crazy about sewing through two layers of canvas plus a bath towel, and they will show their displeasure with you in the final 4 inches of your project by breaking in two and jamming up your sewing machine.)

And the bottom picture (please excuse the blur) is another burp cloth made from some more material I've been stingy with and a Peepee Teepee. I've seen them in Uncommon Goods, but I'm cheap and I hate to buy something I know I can make.