Monday, August 17, 2009

Home Makeover Post, Take Two

Ok, internet. Please do not eat this entry. I have learned how to outsmart you and will be saving my work periodically this time.

Here is an update to all the work we have been doing on our house lately. If you are on my Facebook, you've seen these already- they're just organized into albums now. But if you (read: my mother) don't have a FB account, then these pictures are brand new to you and I hope you enjoy them.

And furthermore, I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad for all of the hard work they have done to make this a reality. Without their guidance and several weekends of hard work and sacrifice, Brian and I would probably still be at square one. Thank you guys for helping us preparing a home that CPS won't be tempted to take Sidney out of. (just a joke about the CPS thing, funny ha-ha)

AND ON WITH THE PICTURES! Keep in mind, this is still a work in progress- more pictures to follow in the coming days/weeks.

Sidney's Room
Upstairs Bathroom
Downstairs Bathroom
Gameroom/Family Room
Miscelaneous B&A's

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