Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 24 Survey

I did one of these a while back, but thought it would be fun to do one each week now that I'm starting to see (and feel) lots of changes:)

How far along? 24 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: Enough! I just stand backwards on the scale at the Dr's office now so I can't see.
Maternity clothes? still in 'em.
Stretch marks? Three huge ones right along my scar I got when I had my kidney removed.
Sleep: What is that?
Movement: Starting to feel stronger kicks. He plays soccer with my bladder every night around 10:00.
Food cravings: Strawberry anything.
Gender: Still a boy.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
What I miss: Lambic
What I am looking forward to: Lambic
Weekly Wisdom: I have none this week. I let Brian borrow it.
Milestones: Feeling Sid flipping around when he's trying to get comfy.

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