Monday, June 8, 2009

25 Weeks Survey

How far along? 25 weeks down, 15 to go! (wow- that's kinda scary!)

Total weight gain/loss: lots- 20 lbs so far:/

Maternity clothes? Still in 'em. Don't see this changing. Ever.

Stretch marks? Yes, Brian lovingly pointed some out I hadn't noticed yet.

Sleep: Yes please!

Best moment this week: Sid getting antsy about the cat sleeping on my tummy. Not sure if he was trying to play or trying to kick Lucky off of my stomach.

Movement: Still mostly active when I'm going to bed. He's a night owl!

Food cravings: Edy's Strawberry fruit bars, Sonic Strawberry cream slush, strawberry jam, strawberries in general- but oddly, strawberry milk makes me want to gag.

Gender: Still a boy ( man, I gotta find a survey that mixes it up a bit!)

Labor Signs: Some BH, but they've gone away since I've been drinking over a 100oz of water a day.

Belly Button in or out? In and holding.

What I miss: Moving with ease.

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready.

Weekly Wisdom: Drink as much water as humanly possible. Then have one more glass.

Milestones: Nothing new this week, but getting closer to the 3rd trimester.

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